How Your Diet Makes You Snore

snoringSnoring, at first, seems to be a harmless habit.  It is understandable because everyone snores occasionally.  However, it becomes too much when it affects the quantity and quality of sleep of other people in the room.  These people often transfer to other rooms to have a more relaxing night.  Snoring could also be a reason of fighting between couples.  Yes, it appears to be a narrow reason for break ups but this does occur in relationships.

It all boils down to

Food.  The stuff you take in has a big impact in determining whether you’ll snore or not.  The food fuels the body.  The type of fuel will dictate how your body machineries will perform.  If it’s great, your body operates as smooth as it can get.  If not, you’ll recognize a vibrating sound which indicates your body isn’t getting the right fuel or food.  So here goes the list of what to munch or not to munch. (Read news for further information.)

The Bad

Glass of Milk

A glass of milk is no-no.  Your ‘before bedtime’ drink could be contributing to your snoring.  How?  When you drink milk, or in that case any other dairy product, you are encouraging the body to produce more mucus.  Mucus serves to protect the body from foreign invaders.  But when in increased amounts, mucus accumulation could be a health threat.  Mucus intensifies the snoring problem by restricting the passage of air to the channels in your body.

A good alternative drink is an herbal cup of tea or an apple cider before you say your good night greeting.  Another dairy product that’s a good substitute for mucus producing foods is yogurt.

Fatty Foods

This food type is another snoring blunder.  Fatty foods, especially those eaten at night, are causing you to snore more.  The general rule is to avoid large meals before bedtime.  These type of foods cause inflammation of your digestive organs and air passages.

The Good

Olive oil

Yes, oil is considered as a form of fat.  However, unsaturated fats found in olive oil can aid in reducing inflammation which in turn, reduces snoring.  Once you’ve tried olive oil, you’ll instantly feel its effect in your throat.

Garlic and Onion

This two food spices is doing more than just adding flavor to dishes.  Onions and garlic could actually provide relief for snoring.  It is suspected that these spices are capable of drying up your nasal passages and airways which reduces the mucus accumulation hence reducing your snoring.

The information you’ve learned are honest-to-goodness solution to reduce your snoring.  However, keep in check other items such as your weight and the place you sleep; because aside from food, there could be a lot of things which may contribute to your snoring.

Effectively Proven Ways on How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

how-to-lose-belly-fat-for-men-600x350Are you dreaming of an attractive the body that everyone wants to look at?  If yes, then you are in the right page.  This page will feature way on how to lose belly fat naturally.

This article aims to lose your belly fat by incorporating habits that you can easily perform.  This includes belly fat diet and exercises which are known to effectively reduce that belly.

Exercise do’s and don’ts

Exercising is great way to fight off that belly fat.  But there are some routines that are misleading.  Doing crunches is proven to strengthen your stomach muscles.  However, it is not helpful in burning belly fats.  Aside from that, crunches could also be a harmful routine for you.  It can cause lower back pain and forward head posture. (Read news here.)

To effectively lose stomach fat, you have to generally get stronger.  While you are training, you will build up muscle mass and will aid in your fat loss.  Though exercises such as dead lift and squats will not directly reduce your belly fat, it strengthens your abs and back.  Your waist size will be reduced as a result.

If you are doing running and squats, increase the calories you are burning by adding high intensity exercises in between your regular routines.  By doing this, you will also burn calories 16 hours after doing the exercises.  Experts prefer this method over marathon and long hours walking in treadmills.

All about diet

When it comes to diet, choose green and leafy vegetables.  It is suggested to stuff them into your body so that you will not have a place for unhealthy treats.  Spinach, broccoli, and cabbage are preferred foods over processed foods.

You can also take in olive oil.  Adding this to your diet will signal your stomach to produce an important hormone.  This hormone will tell the brain that your stomach is full.  By then, you will feel less hungry.  It is not suggested you drink it straight up.  Instead, take it in 15 minutes before your meal with bread.

If you are drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages, then this could be contributory to the accumulation of your belly fats.  Drinking from time to time is alright.  But too much drinking puts a lot of stress in your liver.  This will hinder your way in building muscles.  Drink on Fridays and Saturdays but to a moderate amount.  In the rest of the week, drink more water and eat more fruits.

Other alternatives

One of the leading factors that influence your body to store fats is stress.  When you are stressed, your body will release the hormone called cortisol.  Cortisol signals your body to store more fats.  Beat stress by performing breathing exercises and relaxation techniques.

The methods that are included in this article will surely reduce that pooch in your middle body.  Stay motivated so that you will experience continuous result, as they say “Success breeds success.”  Keep track of your progress so that you will feel that you have accomplished something.  You will now have the pleasure of showing off your attractive body.

How to Perform Exercises for a Taller Build

get-taller-exercisesIt seems that the tall people are the confident and successful individuals.  They tend to be the ones who get the better job and more money.  Being tall has lot of advantages.  With this in mind, you are now in search for ways to get taller.

You are not alone in your quest to grow taller.  This article will discuss several ways to achieve height increase so that you will feel more confident in your daily tasks. (You can also read a report about height increase. Click here.) Height increasing exercises and proper diet aims to promote the release of growth hormones from your body.  This hormone is responsible for your height increase.

Stretch it up

Stretches are usually done to warm up before exercise.  It is also a logical and scientific step to gain height.  Experts suggest that you do at least 15 minutes stretching exercises daily.  One of the suggested stretches is the cobra stretch and car stretch.

Cobra stretch is an exercise performed with your arms perpendicular to the floor.  You are to look up and you arms in the floor as if you are doing a push up.  Your feet should be pointed downwards to lengthen your spine.  Arch your back to support your neck creating a cobra position.  You are now to bend your hips to lift your body up into an inverted “V” position.  Tuck your chin against your chest.  Return back to the original position.  Each repetition will take you 10 to 20 seconds to complete.  Perform this in six repetitions.

In performing car stretch, you are to go all fours on the ground with your arms locked.  While inhaling, flex your spine down with your head facing up.  Exhale as you push your spine up in to an arch while bringing your face down.  Each repetition should last 3 to 8 seconds.  Perform this exercise in six repetitions.

Hanging on

This is a very simple exercise that could gain you an inch or two in your height.  This exercise is very simple and will require you to hang on a bar.  This could really be tough in your first tries depending on your weight.  But after few attempts, you will get used to it.  Hang on the bar with your arms and stretch your spine for 10 seconds.  Do this everyday for 2 minutes you will feel the changes in your body.

Height and Swimming

Swimming exercises are proven effective in increasing your height.  The exercises involved in swimming require your body to stretch the muscles all over your body.  Perform breast strokes as it can work wonders in your body.

These grow taller exercises are no secrets as they are the logical ways on gaining height.  The real secret to grow taller is by persistence and dedication.

Now that you have read the grow taller exercises, you will feel more confident in your daily activities.  You will feel improvement in how you deal with people.  They will see you as an individual who strives for success.  All of this will result due to your efforts you put in to grow taller.

Effective and Easy-To-Do Natural Teeth Whitening Methods

Couple_White_teethA smile is a natural way to communicate happiness.  Together with beautiful white teeth, it indicates success and confidence.  However, your smile does not often communicate positive vibrations.  This can be caused by the discoloration of your teeth that causes other impression.  To address this, there are numbers of tips you can read on how to get white teeth.

However, the best way to address this problem is by following natural teeth whitening methods that are friendly to your teeth.  But before we go to the exact methods, we must first understand why teeth discoloration occurs.

Teeth naturally darken as we age.  This is part of the degenerative process our bodies naturally experience.  Aside from that, there are also environmental factors that play a role in teeth discoloration.  Habits such as smoking and drinking coffee have long term effects on our teeth.  This includes staining, darkening, and damage to nerves.  Other factors to blame in yellowing of teeth are use of antibiotics and excessive fluoride consumption in specific stages of tooth formation.

With that in mind, we can now turn to natural teeth whitening methods that are proven to be effective.  Eating crunchy foods tops the list of natural teeth whitening.  It polishes the surface of your teeth.  Crunchy vegetables and fruits are also known to increase production of saliva.  The saliva is aids in protecting the teeth from cavity-causing bacteria.  On the other hand, sticky foods are often traced to be the source of substances that stain your teeth.

Aside from the strawberries ability to improve your cardiovascular condition, these fruit is also known to naturally whiten your teeth.  The vitamin C it contains is powerful enough to fight off plaques.  Malic acid, which is also found in apples, is a natural astringent that helps to remove stains on the surface of your teeth.  The steps on how to utilize berries on how to make your teeth whiter is simple.  Before you brush your teeth, crush the berries and apply the pulp with your toothbrush.  Let it stay for five minutes.  Rinse your mouth well afterwards.  Other than strawberries, a few vegetables such as cucumber, celery and broccoli have known natural tooth whitening effects.

Eating cheese appears to have no relation in improving your teeth’s condition.  However, it is helpful to know that cheese could promote remineralization of the enamel. (News here.)  The substance called casein along with calcium and phosphate plays a role in strengthening the enamel.  The enamel is the outermost surface of the tooth.  This layer protects the dentin.  The dentin dictates the color of the tooth.

Of course, you should not forget to maintain a healthy oral hygiene.  Brushing and flossing is the basics of having a good oral hygiene.  Brush your teeth every after meal if possible. This alone could keep your mouth clean and healthy.

Now that you have learned the several natural teeth whitening methods, it is time to try it for yourself.  The whitening process could take time but will surely result to a white and glowing smile that you have

Dealing with the Signs of Liver Damage

Stomach ache manThere are several symptoms that a person can experience if he or she has a damaged liver. Some signs of liver damage include abdominal pain, unusual weight loss, nausea, jaundice  and loss of appetite. If you experience this kind of symptoms then it’s best that you go to a physician and have a thorough examination of your condition. Now, if the doctor suggests that you have a liver problem then it’s advisable  to take the steps that can help decereasingthe symptoms being experienced.

Here are some things that you can do to help you overcome the  symptoms and signs of liver damage:

Stop having unhealthy habits

If you happen to feel several symptoms of a damaged liver then it’s advisable to stop doing unhealthy habits. Drinking alcohol is one habit that should be avoided. You don’t want to experience severe pain and do further damage to your liver. It’s best to stop drinking liquor immediately. You may want also to reduce your intake of fatty foods that contain so large amounts of cholesterol. High fat foods will only make your condition worse, so try avoiding it as possible. (Read this news report about the effects of high-fat foods on the liver.)

Eat fresh foods that are rich in fiber

Follow a liver cleansing diet to aid in treating your liver problem. A good diet is made of up  of the right foods to eat every day. Eat more fresh food that contain fiber. Fiber helps in cleansing toxins in the body. It helps the liver to function properly. You may want to prepare dishes that have fibrous vegetables as ingredients. Wheat and barley are also preferred. You may also want to add spinach and berries to your dish. A healthy and delicious salad is preferable if you want to treat your liver problem.

Stop eating junk food

Now, if you’re diagnosed with having a fatty liver disease this would be the right time to quit eating and patronizing such types of foods. Stop consuming junk foods and fried dishes as well. It’s ideal to eat raw and fresh fruits and vegetables. You can create several delicious fatty liver diet recipes that can help you cure your current liver problem. It’s  highly recommended that you also stay away from coffee, liquor, and carbonated drinks since it can affect your treatment. Substitute a bottle of soda to a glass of fresh vegetable and fruit juice. You can mix different kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits to your juice. This healthy juice drink is a good cleansing agent for your liver. Drink two to three glasses of this home made juice and you’ll be treating your liver problem effectively.

Drinking water

One of the signs of liver damage is dehydration. The best solution is to drink 10 glasses of water every day. Water helps you keep hydrated and it’s an important component that makes your body  healthy. It’s also a source ofare essentialoxygen and minerals that the body needs.

The effectiveness of the treatment primarily depends on the person’s ability to shift to a more healthy lifestyle. The food you eat will determine your liver’s condition in the future. So, start eating healthier foods and have a healthy liver.

Medications and Therapies for Nicotine Withdrawals

Smoking-and-InfertilityThinking of quitting smoking? Well you should be thinking that and eventually decide that you should. But to quit smoking can be a struggle for you since you will be releasing yourself from the addiction of cigarettes. It is also hard to deal with it since it is gradual and requires patience for you to deal with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and cigarette cravings.

Dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings can be remedied through self-help techniques such as keeping yourself relax, eating healthy, drinking fluids, exercising and resting a lot. But there are inevitable cases wherein dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings can’t be tamed with self-help techniques. This will then lead you to the idea that you already need a help of a physician.

Some noted medications and therapies your physician would be referring you are the following:


Acupuncture – This therapy has been known to be an effective management technique or therapy for nicotine withdrawal symptoms. As one of the oldest medical techniques ever known in history, acupuncture is done through triggering endorphins release which makes the body relax since these endorphins are natural pain relievers.

Behavioral Therapy – Since smoking is a physical addiction and a psychological habit, your rituals and habitual behaviors as a smoker should be dealt with accordingly. You can use coping or management skills in order to deal with your rituals for instance, instead of lighting a cigarette, you can light a candle.

Motivational Therapy– This can be a therapy of self-help techniques as you can use reading materials such as magazines, books and articles in the internet where you can find alternative solutions in dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings. For example you can consider the amount that you always spend whenever you buy cigarettes. Calculate the amount that you may have saved for other worthwhile activities.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis – Stop smoking hypnosis has been known to be real effective in dealing with nicotine withdrawals and cigarette cravings. This therapy is done through directing you to a very profound relaxed mood where you are put to a state where you push to quit smoking and to create an unfavorable attitude and thinking about cigarettes and smoking.


Non-nicotine medication – This medication is actually done by reducing your cigarette cravings and lowering down your symptoms of nicotine withdrawal without the use of nicotine. Applying this kind of medication can be done through varenicline or Chantix and bupropion or Zyban.

Nicotine replacement therapy – If there is a non-nicotine medication, there is also a therapy or medication for nicotine withdrawals through the use of nicotine substitutes. This is about replacing cigarettes with other nicotine products such as nicotine patch and nicotine gum. Moreover, this nicotine replacement is done through providing gradual and low doses of these nicotine substitutes until you get rid of nicotine withdrawal symptoms without your exposure to the poisonous tars and gases of cigarettes. This therapy is not actually abrupt since you are still given nicotine but not with the presence of the contents pure cigarettes emit that could infect your lungs.

Dealing with the Signs of Liver Damage

6530499-fatty-liverThere are several symptoms that a person can experience if he or she has a damaged liver. Some signs of liver damage include abdominal pain, unusual weight loss, nausea, jaundice  and loss of appetite. If you experience this kind of symptoms then it’s best that you go to a physician and have a thorough examination of your condition. Now, if the doctor suggests that you have a liver problem then it’s advisable  to take the steps that can help decrease the symptoms being experienced.

Here are some things that you can do to help you overcome the  symptoms and signs of liver damage:

Stop having unhealthy habits

If you happen to feel several symptoms of a damaged liver then it’s advisable to stop doing unhealthy habits. Drinking alcohol is one habit that should be avoided. You don’t want to experience severe pain and do further damage to your liver. It’s best to stop drinking liquor immediately. You may want also to reduce your intake of fatty foods that contain so large amounts of cholesterol. High fat foods will only make your condition worse, so try avoiding it as possible.

Eat fresh foods that are rich in fiber

Follow a liver cleansing diet to aid in treating your liver problem. A good diet is made of up  of the right foods to eat every day. Eat more fresh food that contain fiber. Fiber helps in cleansing toxins in the body. It helps the liver to function properly. You may want to prepare dishes that have fibrous vegetables as ingredients. Wheat and barley are also preferred. You may also want to add spinach and berries to your dish. A healthy and delicious salad is preferable if you want to treat your liver problem.

Stop eating junk food

Now, if you’re diagnosed with having a fatty liver disease this would be the right time to quit eating and patronizing such types of foods. Stop consuming junk foods and fried dishes as well. It’s ideal to eat raw and fresh fruits and vegetables. You can create several delicious fatty liver diet recipes that can help you cure your current liver problem. It’s  highly recommended that you also stay away from coffee, liquor, and carbonated drinks since it can affect your treatment. Substitute a bottle of soda to a glass of fresh vegetable and fruit juice. You can mix different kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits to your juice. This healthy juice drink is a good cleansing agent for your liver. Drink two to three glasses of this home made juice and you’ll be treating your liver problem effectively.

Drinking water

One of the signs of liver damage is dehydration. The best solution is to drink 10 glasses of water every day. Water helps you keep hydrated and it’s an important component that makes your body  healthy. It’s also a source ofare essentialoxygen and minerals that the body needs.

The effectiveness of the treatment primarily depends on the person’s ability to shift to a more healthy lifestyle. The food you eat will determine your liver’s condition in the future. So, start eating healthier foods and have a healthy liver.

How to Deal with Anxiety When Interacting with People

stock-footage-school-and-young-people-two-happy-college-students-talking-and-laughing-in-city-parkIt is already common to find people who are afraid to communicate and interact with other people. Usually this kind of behavior, if it has reached its severity turns to be a social anxiety disorder or social phobia.

Have you experienced having recurrent cold and sweaty hands, shaky voice and trembling stature whenever you to talk to a large number of people? If so, then you must have a social phobia. But don’t rest on that as there are lot of social anxiety symptoms which can really detect if you have one. But whatever you’re feeling right now if it’s already social anxiety disorder or just mere social awkwardness, there are tips for you on how to deal with anxiety of this kind.

Know the causes why you are feeling that way

Sometimes feeling something can be hard when you do not know where it came from. That is why getting to know what may have the cause of your anxiety can be helpful in overcoming it. Causes of social anxiety can be based on psychological, cultural, societal and even familial.

Ease yourself by realizing that not everyone judges you

Don’t overdo yourself by thinking that everyone judges you whenever you get outside of your comfort zone. Don’t think that all people cares about your flaws and will eventually judge and hate you when they have known your flaws as an individual. Remember that not everyone gives time perfecting other people.

Start with small conversations

Don’t waste too much of your time isolating yourself in your room. You can start by at least going outside and talking with your neighbor and even to strangers even if the topic is too simple and typical.

Find a club or organization with the same interests as yours

Everyone has his or her own skills and interests. Bet you are too, you have the special skills other people don’t have. Start with what catches your interest, join a club or organization which focuses on such interest then with that, you can start discovering your own skills and potentials (if you haven’t yet discovered them). Eventually, you’ll love communicating with other people through your interest and skills. Usually people who have the same interests share the most understanding.

Motivate yourself every now and then

Starting to overcome your anxiety can be challenging because you may lose the stimulus to continue overcoming it. Perhaps, you just simply fall short of motivation. Hence, motivate yourself that you can do it. You can spare some time of introspection and try performing some relaxation techniques for anxiety.

Talk with cautions

When talking to people, regard yourself as a cautious person. Believe that you can be. It is important that you talk with tactfulness so others won’t be hurt by what you are telling them. Know their interest to build up strong web of connections. In a large group of people, don’t pressure yourself and just be calm and wait for your moment to speak your mind.

Find a confidante whom you trust well

This can be truly helpful as you can find someone listening to your dilemma. You can talk to someone about your progress and about your worries. It is like releasing something out of the negative vibes surrounding you.

Overcoming social anxiety and shyness can be tough but it takes a lot of patience and discipline. Just trust yourself and stay motivated.

The Self-Help Techniques in Treating Anxiety

anxiety-back-painKnowing if you have an anxiety disorder can be tricky because a simple feeling of anxiousness about a job interview, first date, difficult exam and public speaking can just be a simple feeling of anxiety. But when this recurs, consumes a long period of your life and becomes distracting to your daily life then this can already be a serious anxiety disorder.

But again, this can be tricky which is why you have to learn the different symptoms associated with anxiety disorder. You may even start assessing yourself if you have found some of these symptoms in your everyday activity.

Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Anticipating the worst situations
  • Feeling tense and discomfort
  • Watching for signs of danger
  • Feeling like you’re mentally blocked
  • Feelings of apprehension
  • Trouble concentrating

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Pounding heart
  • Upset stomach
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle tension
  • Tremors and twitches
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Diarrhea
  • Frequent urination

Panic Attacks Symptoms

  • Hot flushes or chills
  • Nausea or stomach cramps
  • Feeling detached
  • Gush of overwhelming panic
  • Choking sensation
  • Heart palpitations
  • Hyperventilation
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Losing of control

If you have found out that you have some of the symptoms such that of the panic attack symptoms and if you really feel that you are so messed up and that you have a gut feel that you have anxiety disorder. Learn a lot of ways on how to stop anxiety through treatments and therapies. However, as the one responsible for yourself, you can do some self-help treatments to overcome anxiety.

  1. Put into writing all your worries – This is tried and tested to be effective when you are coping with anxiety than overthinking all your worries which get stuck in your mind. Overthinking makes you preoccupied and confuse of the things you keep on worrying. Better write them all, you can write it on your laptop, desktop, smartphones, and tablet or simply write them down in your pad or notebook as your worries will gradually disappear.
  2. Set-up an anxiety worry period – In a day, you can have few minutes like 10 minutes to just think about all your worries. Devote this certain period about all the negative thoughts you have at the moment or for the day. Take note that you just have to think about them without designating some solutions. Right after this period, you can spend the rest of your day without worries. If you’ve come across another depressing thoughts, reserve them on your worry period.
  3. Accept uncertainty of things – Learn acceptance that not all things are controllable. Don’t overthink about those you can’t change because you’ll only forget that you have a good life to live by.
  4. Practice relaxation techniques for anxiety -You can have a daily meditation, all by your own. A moment of introspection daily can make you feel relaxed. Also, you can practice muscle relaxation and deep breathing.
  5. Have a healthy diet – Jumpstart your day with breakfast because this will actually boost you for the day. Then succeeding meals should only be minimal in amount. Don’t weary yourself by not eating because this tends to lower blood sugar which ignites anxiety. Also avoid too much consumption of alcohol.
  6. Exercise regularly – At least a 30 minutes allocation of exercise period will do the trick for your everyday living. Make sure that you’d get to exercise because exercise is a stress reliever.
  7. Get adequate sleep – Another important thing that you have to do is to get adequate sleep. If possible, 6 to 8 hours of quality sleep everyday so you will have sufficient time for cell repair.

Fat Burning Foods:Better Alternatives for Weight Loss

burn_fat_foodsYou can find several methods of weight loss today. Some of them are effective while others are not. Moreover, there are some methods that are unsafe and hold a greater risk than benefits. You should properly choose the safest methods of losing weight so that your health will not be put in jeopardy. If you still have doubts then it is preferable that you choose natural alternatives in dealing with weight problems. Here are some of the alternatives that you can try.

Eating foods that burn fat

There are specific fat burning dishes that you can eat regularly. Whole wheat, lean meat,  low-fat dairy products, green tea and hot peppers are only some of the proven foods that aids in burning the fat in the body. You could create special dishes with these kind of foods and make your weight loss more delicious.

Weight loss doesn’t have to be tough. You can enjoy eating without feeling guilty or worrying that you might get fat. With the right choices of foods you will be able to eat your way to losing weight. Enjoy as many delectable dishes as you can.  You don’t have to deprive yourself from eating all you have to do is make the right choices of foods that will help you burn fat.

Having a diet plan

The word diet doesn’t mean that you have to starve yourself to death. In fact the word means that you have to eat food. As you know there are several suggested diet plans that you can indulge to. Two of the famous diet plans is the South Beach  and Paleo diet plan. It basically depends on you which plan will you take. The important thing is you don’t skip meals and eat the food suggested in the diet plan. If you carefully follow your diet plan then you’ll be a few pounds lighter compared without a diet plan. You could also decide to have carb free diet  avoiding foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates.

You should know that a diet plan is useless or will not be effective in weight loss if you continue to overeat large amounts of food during meal. Ideally you should eat only an ample amount of food during every meal if you want results. The key to a successful diet plan is eating the right amount and  kinds of foods and leaving behind excessive eating.

Eat healthy and organic foods

One thing you want to avoid is being hungry. Whenever you are hungry you could eat a fruit or vegetable salad instead of chips and cakes. You could also have a fat burning soup diet as an alternative to high-calorie soups. It’s advisable that you abstain from eating foods that are processed and contains large amounts of calories. You may also want to avoid eating sweet desserts like chocolate puddings and other confectioneries. You can start losing weight by eating more naturally grown and fresh vegetables and fruits.

Lastly you may want to start changing your lifestyle by spending at least an hour in doing simple exercises like jogging. These kind of activity increases your metabolism burning more fat in your body.